How Burnout Affects Physicians but also Patients
Physician burnout is only worsening as our systems become more complicated and overburdened. This also affects patients because of the need of trust and close collaboration. Systemic changes will benefit physicians, clinicians and patients alike.

A Portrait of A Portrait of a Failing Health System
The Commonwealth Fund report stresses that the US is still one of the highest income countries with the worst health outcomes...and nothing has changed in 20 years.

Improving heart health using Community Centers
Community and libraries are being used to bridge the gap in digital healthcare.

Telehealth is not ‘Dead’
Telehealth has changed in the narrative and discussion. But it is not 'dead'. Innovation and tech look for the next shiny thing. Telehealth is old news but remains an important part of medicine.

Mental Health setup for more Investment by the Federal Government
More investment in mental health means more resources and more health access. Some good news for all.

No, AI cannot screen STIs with a picture
Calmara is being shut down after claiming their AI can diagnose STIs from one single picture.

Managed Care v Fee for Service: Trying to Make Sense of the US healthcare system
The US healthcare system is complicated. Here is a brief overview of what managed care plans are, what is fee for service and how we determine what we pay for and reimburse in the US health system.

Direct-to-Consumer Telehealth: Balancing Convenience with Continuity of Care
Direct to consumer telehealth - is it helping or hurting patients?

Bridging the Language Divide in Telehealth: Understanding the Impact on Patient Experience
How language and interpretation is necessary for improving telemedicine and clinical encounters.

Digital Medicine and its Ripple Effects
The unintended consequences of implementing technology into medicine - what have we learnt?

Virtual Care Trends from 2023 that will Inform 2024
Virtual care trends from 2023 that will inform 2024. Happy New Year all. There has been significant growth in virtual care and telehealth over the last few years. We are now seeing that there is some standardizing and formalizing (which is great!). To that end, what is going to be going on in the next year? Here are some of my thoughts.

The Power of AI in Telehealth
The biggest topic in digital health at the moment: the use of AI and how it will change our lives, improve our jobs while simultaneously making careers obsolete. In telehealth it will have profound ability to help improve our virtual care in these ways.

Telehealth: Digitizing Healthcare is Good for the Environment
Telehealth has helped with the effects of climate change. Here are a few ways it can help and why we should invest more in it.

Telephone and Telehealth: Calling for better implementation
Audio only telemedicine was not popular with patients in a recent study. However, there are benefits to using the phone to connect with our doctors. And we should figure out how to best use it.

Digital Empathy and Chat Telehealth: Is it Possible?
Using chat and texts means that it is harder to convey empathy with your body language and facial cues. There are still ways to ensure you can create a human connection with your patient over chat and audio telehealth!